Want to redesign your website? Follow these 5 easy steps now!

The most effective way to promote your business today is with an established online presence. One of which is having a website. It fundamentally is an online version of a brochure that lets people know about your business, products or services, mission, vision, etc. So having this is extremely beneficial. But just owing it is not enough. Over 90% of website visitors tend to leave the website if the design is not pleasant or pleasing. Even if you have designed your website perfectly to meet your audience’s expectations, you will eventually have to change it based on trends, algorithm changes, and customer opinion. So, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to easily redesign your website!

1. Analyze the current website

 Every website does not require a full makeover. You need to understand what your current website lacks. Is it driving enough traffic? Does it lack any component of the user experience? Or is it not able to capture a user’s attention long enough? Many websites have small flaws, such as a lag in loading time, especially in the B2B industry, can cost the business a potential lead. Which is why an analysis of your existing website is essential. Take a look at this blog to learn few easy tricks that will take your website from good to impressive!

2. Set redesign goals

After you’ve analyzed your website, you can start looking for solutions to the problems you’ve uncovered. These tasks now must be prioritized based order of importance and urgency. For example, if you have a slow website and a bad website color scheme, your priority should be to improve the website speed first, then the color palette. The logic behind this is simple, there are higher chances of users leaving your website because of slow page loading than a bad color scheme.

3. Create a draft design

What you need to do next is begin the draft or ideate your design process. This is not a direct implementation of your website but rather a mock-up or rough design of what your website is supposed to look like. It basically is a map of your website that helps you visualize what it will look like once the final version is designed and implemented.

4. Create & test the prototype

Based on the design, you can start building a sandbox link or a demo website where you can add as many new features and add-ons, you desire. This basically helps you see the real-time website output without compromising the current website’s traffic and database. Once this is done, you should run different tests on your website and analyze the data for improvements.

5. Build & launch a redesigned website

Based on the analysis, you can start implementing these changes to your original website. Though it seems like a lot of work, it will definitely be worth it once your user base starts to increase. One of the best ways to implement such changes is by taking a review from your users and trying to execute them on your website.

We all know that a website is a digital profile of you and your business. It is the forefront that promotes your services and products online. If you are a business that caters primarily to an online audience, then it also directly generates revenue for you. So, making the most appealing website for your users is essential. But your work does not just end with creating a website. Every day, there are numerous businesses and trends that come up in the digital world. What you created years ago might not be a trend or be considered too old now. This is why revamping your website is essential. If you find this to be difficult, consult the experts such as Resolute B2B. Visit our website to learn more.

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