7 best newsletter practices for every B2B marketer

A B2B newsletter allows you to interact with your audience without any hindrance. It is a well-established marketing tool for B2B businesses around the world. In fact, 31% of B2B marketers prefer this tool for lead nurturing. They are an essential component of any digital marketing strategy around the world because:

  • They aid in brand promotion.
  • With an average open rate of 26%, they are efficient at generating leads.
  • They help build a community of individuals who are engaged with your organization.

While there is no doubt about the importance of newsletters in marketing, here are 7 tips that will help you ensure that your audience doesn’t unsubscribe from your B2B newsletters.

Educate and inform
B2B decision-making is a collaborative process governed by constraints such as budget, requirements, timeline, and so on. Hence, a direct sales approach will not work for B2B newsletters. So, ditch the sales tone and instead aim to educate, inform, and even entertain on occasion. Show how your product/service can enrich the business. For instance, when you establish that you’re sending newsletters to only convey relevant, informative content, you’re less likely to get blocked.

Keep the content crisp
As a B2B marketer, you’ll need to take into account the fact that your subscribers are busy decision-makers with a lot on their plate. So, your newsletter copy must be as crisp and direct as possible. Get to the point quickly and integrate your offerings seamlessly without shifting your focus from keeping the reader engaged and interested. For maximum impact, ensure that the reading time of the email is under one minute.

Include a note from the CEO
Place a short statement from your CEO towards the end of the newsletter to add credibility to your emails. Better yet, personalize this message, if possible. It’ll make the subscribers feel valued by your organization. In fact, it will also make them more receptive to promotional or branded content within the newsletter, which is likely to make conversions easier.

Use visuals smartly
Skip long-winded explanations and replace them with interesting visuals. Use images, videos, GIFs, bars, charts, or tables to represent the value you’re offering to the subscriber. Pay attention to the color scheme and ensure that it is consistent with that of your other branded assets, such as your website and social media handles.

Weave a story
Crafting stories out of B2B occurrences is one of the core strengths of a content marketer. Utilize this skill to make newsletters as engaging as possible. Keep in mind that your subscribers are receiving these emails on a regular basis. Over time, adopting a storytelling approach will cultivate a personal relationship with your subscribers. To augment results, make sure that you converse with recipients on a personal level and don’t talk to the company they belong to.

Monitor performance
To get the most out of your newsletters, monitor their performance and make changes dynamically. Define the key performance indicators (KPIs) and the frequency at which you’ll measure the KPIs. For the best results, measure weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly performance. Take economic and social events or conditions such as a newly-elected state head, a stock marketing crash, or even the pandemic into account when assessing progress, as these have a bearing on how marketing material is perceived.

Crafting newsletters week after week is time-consuming, but it’s an endeavor that offers numerous benefits. When you abide by these 7 guidelines, you’re sure to see success! To implement these successfully, let the digital marketing experts take the wheel. Visit Resolute B2B website to know more!

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