Take a look at 5 unmistakable benefits of an email drip campaign

Take a look at 5 unmistakable benefits of an email drip campaign

Drip campaigns are also known as autoresponders, automated email campaigns, and lifecycle emails. They all mean the same thing—you send a series of emails, each of which is triggered by a specific action taken by your audience. Here the action can be buying a product, seeking your service, attending an event, engaging with customer service, signing up for a webcast, or subscribing to a newsletter. In some cases, the first email in the campaign is sent when a prospect takes a certain action, and the rest are then sent periodically, at set intervals. Other times, even inactivity warrants an email being sent.

Regardless of the way the emails are sent, there are two things that don’t change:
1. An email drip campaign comprises a set of emails, and
2. these emails are automated.

drip campaign

The number 1 reason why businesses should use drip campaigns is to hold the attention of a prospect and warm them towards conversion. Before we proceed, take a quick look at just how effective drip campaigns can be.

  • The open rates for a drip campaign are 80% higher than single-send emails.
  • Companies that have mastered drip email campaigns generate 80% more sales at a staggering        33% lower cost.
  • Companies that used drip campaigns generated 50% more sales-ready

If this wasn’t reason enough, take a closer look why you should invest in a drip campaign.

Boost brand recall and trigger purchase

When you email prospects periodically, you build brand recall. What’s more, even if they aren’t ready to do business with you immediately, chances are that when they are finally ready, your name will pop into their minds first. This also applies to existing customers. Even after they have made a purchase, a drip campaign will keep your company on their radar.

Build a relationship with your audience

An effective, personalized drip campaign will also help you build a lasting relationship with your audience, and earn their loyalty and trust. For instance, once someone makes a purchase, you could provide them with a guide on how to get the best from your product or service. Similarly, you could give your existing customers a sneak peek to new products or services, or even provide them with early access. When you offer such information through a drip email campaign, customers are likely to feel appreciated and in turn, pledge their loyalty to you.

Say the right thing at the right time

As a business, you’re sure to have a lot to say to your prospective customer. You have reams of information to provide them with in order to convince them that your business truly can change their life for the better. However, if you give your prospective customers all of this information at once, it can be overwhelming. When you do so, it’s likely that they will hardly remember a few points and forget the rest.

The best part about a drip campaign is that you can overcome this. By breaking down information into chunks that are sent based on certain triggers, you can ensure that you’re saying the right thing at the right time to encourage a purchase. Moreover, you can be sure that you’re giving your prospect enough time to absorb a piece of information before introducing them to more.

Improve conversions significantly

When you create a drip campaign, you have to pay great attention to personalizing communication based on your audience’s specific needs. This means that you’ll have to segment your audience first, and create a drip campaign for each. This groundwork results in hyper-personalization. Each lead will receive relevant information based on their exact needs, and their position in the sales funnel. As a result, you can reduce unsubscriptions and instead, boost conversions.

Enjoy the benefits of automation

As we mentioned before, drip campaigns are automated, which means that they’re a boon for any organization. Your team can format a series of messages and the automation tool does the rest of the work for you. The automation tool will refer to the prospect by their name and even customize the email details as per rules set by you. Thereafter, based on the triggers you’ve defined or the schedule you’ve set, it will fire away emails on your behalf. Once you set up the communication and these parameters, the tool will take care of the rest! Needless to say, you can save valuable time and money, and your sales and marketing teams can divert their attention to other priority tasks. Best of all, this approach to lead nurturing and generation requires little to no investment, which means it isn’t going to drain your coffers.

In a nutshell, email drip campaigns are a great way to attract customers, keep existing customers engaged and boost revenue in the process. While automation is of help, you will need to segment your audience, create a strategy for each, craft compelling communication and also evaluate the strategy at regular intervals and modify it, as required. If this process is more than what you can commit to, or if you’re not getting the desired results, our top tip is to bring in the experts.

When you opt for our email marketing services at Resolute B2B, for instance, you can take trial and error out of the equation and get excellent ROI. With clients across the globe, we have what it takes to create stellar outcomes for your business through a superlative drip campaign. Contact us today to know more.

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