● Isolated work structure
Working from the office gave employees a sense of being part of a larger team. However, remote working fails in invoking the same feeling. This, combined with a lack of face time with co-workers and seniors has the potential to make it more difficult for employees to perform well and grow.
Stumbling blocks or not, working remotely is undeniably an interesting option. Industries like digital marketing, information technology, and customer service have thrived while working remotely. There are some companies like Atlassian, Dropbox, Facebook and Upwork that have opted for a permanent work from home model going forward. On the other hand, companies like Google, Ford, Microsoft, Amazon and Spotify are opting for a hybrid model. This is a combination of onsite and offsite working, where employees and businesses can enjoy the best of both worlds.
Whether a work-from-home option is feasible for your organization depends on what field you work in, your clients, the nature of the business, and many other factors. In essence, there are no right or wrong answers. Do you think remote work is the way to go, or are you a proponent of going back to the work-from-office model? Share your thoughts in the comments section.