What elements can you A/B test?
Now that we know how to conduct the assessment, take a look at a few of the various elements that you can test as a B2B marketer.
1. Social media content
Within the ambit of social media content, you can test headlines, language, and tonality, as well as post style, post length, use of emojis, and punctuation, amongst others.
2. Website content
In addition to tonality, language, and headlines, test text separators as well as placement of images or videos. Split testing website content is especially important when it comes to landing pages, as they have a direct impact on conversion.
3. Preview content
Preview content has high visibility and is hence crucial to test. Here too, test both content as well as imagery to determine the most impactful communication.
4. Graphic elements
When it comes to graphics, experiment with various media types and formats to test engagement. Check how your communication performs without visuals and then with a combination of images, videos, infographics, GIFs, and animations.
5. Call-to-action
A CTA button is a crucial part of your marketing campaign since it compels the visitor to take action. Try variants of the call-to-action button to see which option is most persuasive.
6. Ad format
Test variations of PPC and social media ad formats to determine which variant works best for which type of ad. For instance, a carousel post may perform better when you’re talking about your product/service catalog. But, it may be ineffective when it’s used to communicate an offer or discount.