Does WhatsApp feature in your B2B marketing toolkit?

Does WhatsApp feature in your B2B marketing toolkit

The need for bite-sized information has grown sharply in today’s fast-paced world. Consider this: an average human’s attention span has shrunk from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2021! Therefore, the need of the hour is marketing that is quick, impactful and offers bite-sized information. Also, the channels or tools that you use must overcome language, age, and socioeconomic barriers with ease. WhatsApp fits this description perfectly.

social messaging app

It is the most popular social messaging app, trumping Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Telegram, Snapchat, and QQ. It is also the third-most used social platform, with Facebook and YouTube claiming the first and second positions respectively.

In recent years, Facebook-owned WhatsApp has transcended the B2C space and has become a favorite in the B2B arena as well, primarily because of the ease of communication it offers. So, it’s no surprise that WhatsApp can aid in lead generation and digital marketing as well, especially if you’re a small business.

With this in mind, today, we’re taking you through how WhatsApp can be a part of your marketing mix, and what you stand to gain.

What is WhatsApp Business?
complete these 4 easy steps and start reaching out to your target audience

Released in 2016, WhatsApp Business is a free-to-download app for Android and iPhone users. It provides a secure and simplistic communication channel for business owners. If you’re wondering how it is different from the WhatsApp application that you use to catch up with friends and family, the key difference is that WhatsApp Business comes with a bevy of additional features.

WhatsApp Business features
key features of whatsapp business

1. Business profile 

You can create a dedicated business profile with information that your target audience will require. Unlike a personal account, the business account allows you to add your address, phone number, email ID and other information.

When you fill in all the fields, you help foster trust amongst prospects who contact your business. To strengthen this sentiment and come across as authentic, you must also consider submitting your account for verification. Once approved by WhatsApp, you will get a green tick, which is a mark of a reputable business.

2. Product/Service catalog

You can showcase your products or services in a catalog on your profile. This makes it easier for your customers to discover your company and your key offerings. It shortens the purchase process too, as prospects can independently access information, at their pace.

3. Automatic replies

You have the provision to set automatic replies when someone messages you. You can define a number of messages that will be sent before a customer service executive takes over. Additionally, you can curate a selection of responses for the customer to pick from. What’s more, if you are going to be away for 14 days or more, you can enable a greeting message. This feature ensures that you’re always available to customers, and hence gives you a competitive edge.

4. Contact labels

Segment contacts by assigning them labels. You can group individuals based on their geographic location, customer action or inaction, purchase history, and level of engagement. Thus, ‘San Diego’ can be a label and so can ‘new customers’. Now, you can send tailored communication to each segment, and increase engagement and action.

5. Message statistics

Just like you would track marketing and lead generation through webinars or emailers, you can track the efficacy of WhatsApp marketing as well. For instance, you can see how many messages were sent/received. You can also view how many were delivered and opened or read. This will give you an insight into engagement and whether or not conversations are headed in the right direction.

benefits of b2b whatsapp marketing
Benefits of WhatsApp marketing

Now that you know of the many features that WhatsApp offers businesses, here’s a closer look at why it should feature in your marketing mix.

1. Ensure widespread visibility

WhatsApp has almost 2 billion daily users spread across 180 countries. So, when you add WhatsApp to your arsenal, you’ll be able to connect with your target audience quickly and easily, regardless of where they’re situated. You can further enhance the impact by using personalized communication. 

2. Enable seamless communication

Take advantage of WhatsApp’s simple yet secure platform to organize communication. Create audience segments and send messages to multiple prospects that are alike—or have a common denominator—in one go. Additionally, if you use CRM software, you can integrate the same with WhatsApp for added benefits.

3. Facilitate cost-effective lead generation

WhatsApp has an open rate of 80-99%. Additionally, ~80% of WhatsApp messages are seen by recipients within 5 minutes of delivery. Best of all, it’s an extremely cost-effective tool. So, don’t hesitate to use it to your advantage to capture leads or market to them.

4. Encourage two-way interactions

Through WhatsApp Business you can connect directly with prospects, eliminating any intermediaries. Your audience too can get in touch with you 24/7 from the comfort of their smartphones. This paves the way for a shorter sales cycle and also ensures that you’re conversing with your audience instead of talking at them.

5. Sidestep technological hurdles

WhatsApp is a tool that everyone is familiar with, regardless of profession, age, or technological prowess. In fact, people spend upwards of 30 minutes on the app daily, checking it approximately 23 times a day. This is what makes it an excellent channel to execute your digital marketing or lead generation strategies on. By incorporating WhatsApp, you can reach out to your audience on a platform that they are already using effortlessly. This may or may not be the case for other channels.

In a nutshell, WhatsApp Business is convenient, effective, cost-efficient, and secure. When it comes to using it to drive your digital marketing and lead generation efforts, there’s so much you can do, from driving awareness to assisting with purchase and providing customer support. If you still don’t know where to get started, contact Resolute B2B. We can help you scale your digital marketing and lead generation efforts via WhatsApp, as well as a host of other tools and platforms.

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