Cold calling vs emailing: Which is more efficient for appointment generation?

Cold calling vs emailing: Which is more efficient for appointment generation?

Sales flourishes when it is built upon relationships instead of just selling products/services. In this reference, the appointment generation strategy is never about convincing prospects to buy. Instead, in this strategy, the focus is primarily on building an enduring relationship with the prospects. As a B2B marketer, use the conversation to know more about the decision-maker and the solutions they seek. All you need to show is how you can help them.

Cold calling and emailing are the two commonly used modes to set appointments. Both the strategies are extremely effective. But which one should you pick? That’s what we answer in this article. Read this primer.

Cold calling strategy for appointment generation

Research suggests that 82% of buyers give consent to an appointment if the sales representatives proactively follow them up. Experts opine that simply opening the call with “How’ve you been?” increases the chances of success. These two stats prove beyond doubt how crucial it is to establish a rapport with the prospect. That said, the following steps can increase the efficiency of your cold calling strategy for appointment setting.

1. Contact the stakeholder:

The stakeholder might take the final decision, but you will have to make multiple calls to reach them. Standing in-between are the gatekeepers. This is the person that receives your call and, if satisfied, let’s your call through. Make them an ally by being honest with your intentions.

2. Don’t stall

Once you reach the decision-maker, don’t stall, and state the call’s purpose. Start by saying your name and that of your company. Thank them for their time, and if they’re busy seek an alternative time.

3. Promote the appointment

The purpose of the appointment is to pitch the product/service. The call to set an appointment is to show the stakeholder the reason to commit. For instance, you want to set a sales call for your lead generation services. Ask a few questions about their business needs and offer a white paper on the same for free. Suggest how partnering with your organization can be beneficial for them.

4. Keep the conversation light

Keep the conversation light even if the end goal is for a sales opportunity. One of the easiest things to do is to make the prospect smile or laugh. It immediately eases the tension and builds an emotional connection. However, tread carefully and do not insult the stakeholder.

5. End assertively

Switching from “Would you like me to make an appointment” to “How does 4 pm next Tuesday sound?” makes it harder for the prospect to say no. No matter what the answer, end the call with a thank you and show appreciation for their time once again.

Cold emailing strategy for appointment generation

Cold emails have been extremely efficient since their inception to break the ice and start a conversation with the prospect in the online world. As of February 2022, the average open rate was at 16.97% and the CTR was at 10.29%. However, emails with an aggressive or salesy tone having a generic message usually fail to see the light of the day. Here are five tips to excel at appointment setting with cold emailing.

1.Do the groundwork

Pick the right email provider that your audience is on. Follow it up by identifying the accurate tool and defining the email validity. Ahead of sending emails, verify the recipient list to ensure your communication reaches the right audience.


Understand your audience base to create personalized emails for better reach. When your emails reflect the recipient’s core needs, they’re more likely to resonate with them. Start with a short and intriguing subject line. Follow it up with an interesting email body where you smartly insert keywords.

3.Focus on the pain points

Avoid the salesy tone and focus on the recipient’s pain points and business goals. Your email should elaborate on why you’re the right solution for them. Offer something to strengthen the budding relationship. You can offer, for instance, a social media marketing template for free.

4.Highlight the benefits

Rather than listing product/service features, highlight the benefits the prospect would enjoy upon doing business with you. Be straightforward in your message. Every email should end with a CTA persuading the recipient to accept the sales appointment.

5.Don’t delay the response

Your strategy will fail to meet the desired end if you fail to respond to your prospects promptly. Experts believe that you might lose almost 50% of the prospective customers when you don’t reply within an hour.

Cold calling vs emailing: Which is more efficient?

Time for the golden question. As a B2B marketer, should you go with cold calling or emailing? The correct answer is both.

Take the technological advancement to your stride and make use of multiple touchpoints of your business. Create a strategy that starts with a cold call. Generate interest in your brand and further pique it with an email. Alternatively, communicate by email. And once they open it, follow up with a combination of calls and emails till you’re able to fix an appointment. There you go!

Wondering how to combine the discussed tips for appointment setting? Get in touch with our in-house experts. Call us at +1 (302-664-8181) or share your concerns at

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