Wondering how to upskill your video marketing? Follow these 5 winnable tricks

Wondering how to upskill your video marketing? Follow these 5 winnable tricks

As a digital marketer, videos are something that you mustn’t ignore. More and more B2B marketers are experimenting with videos to boost brand awareness, generate demand, engage with the audience, establish credibility, and others. Here are some statistics for your reference:

  • Over 90% of marketers consider videos a vital part of their strategy.
  • 87% of marketers said videos aided in traffic growth.
  • 86% of marketers said videos helped them grab leads.
  • Just above 80% of marketers said videos helped them enhance sales.
  • Videos influence the purchase decisions of 88% of buyers.

Still not convinced if videos should be a part of digital marketing? Research says that people are twice as likely to share videos in comparison to any other type of content. Additionally, high engagement and retention rates have popularised B2B video marketing. A thorough analysis of the target audience multiplies the effectiveness of videos. Use the process to figure out their needs and create relevant videos.

While this might be the first step, the road ahead could get bumpy if not planned carefully. Discussed in this article are five tricks that you can try out to reap the benefits of your video marketing strategy.

Ensure video quality

Being a marketing professional, your audience expects your videos to be of superlative quality. You’ll lose the audience even with informative videos if they are mediocre. Ensure that you use standard audio and video recording devices. Avoid shaky and uneven framed videos that have disturbing background noise. Invest in a professional video editing tool for the best output. To make your video intriguing, add royalty-free background music.

Include captions to reach a larger audience section. Also, ensure to make videos platform-independent to elevate the overall user experience.

Personalize for sales funnel

The efficacy of your videos will grow manifold when you personalize their design. Use your understanding of the target audience to identify the sales funnel stage they are in. Factor in their purchase journeys as well. Now segment the target audience based on the mentioned criteria and create highly-targeted videos. This sub-set of audience base is more likely to resonate with the videos and take necessary action. In short, when you invest additional energy into hyper-targeting, the benefits will be better for your business.

Post supplementary content

Every B2B buyer conducts thorough research before making any purchase. Hence a stand-alone video will fail to convince them. Imagine your strategy like a story where the video is the lead character. You’ll also need to create relevant supporting characters as communication to increase its reach and effectiveness. Place your video smartly on your landing page. Or create hype about an upcoming event on your website and social media pages. You can also post an explanatory video on a video-sharing site ahead of posting an eBook.

Enable sharing

As already mentioned, videos have an excellent retention rate. On top of that senior-level executives tend to share videos in their professional circle. The best way to utilize this behavior is to make your videos shareable. Ensure the viewer can share the video irrespective of the platform and medium they are viewing it in.

Use the best bits for promotion

B2B video creation is crucial. However, if you don’t promote as needed your efforts get wasted. Use the best bits from the video to post on social media pages to create awareness and generate interest. You’re showing why the audience must invest their time in watching your video and how it’ll benefit them. In a way, you’re also establishing your credibility. Say, you held a webinar that was invite-only. You pick interesting parts of the event and create a montage to post on the social media platforms- showing what everyone is missing out on. Follow it up with a form to fill in contact details for access to on-demand video. Not only does your video get the required viewership, but also warmed leads for your business. That’s a complete win-win situation!

The impact of video marketing in the B2B set-up is no secret, especially in 2022. In years to come, apart from the tips discussed here, track their performance to elevate your videos. Keep an eye on which videos are getting the most traction and follow the pattern. We hope the tricks discussed today help you to discover how each aspect of digital marketing can do wonders for your business. And if for any reason you feel that you need any additional clarifications, Resolute B2B is right here for you.

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