Want to boost website traffic via images? Here are 4 tactics for you

Want to boost website traffic via images? Here are 4 tactics for you

We all know the traffic-boosting ability of SEO-friendly quality content with cleverly placed strategic keywords. But there’s more! Optimized images are one of the more underrated ways to get more traffic to your website. Look at this statistic: Google images account for 22.6% of all Internet searches and 62.6% of all Google Web searches.

Images can drive website traffic from the search results since they are easily consumable and tend to generate more social media shares. And that’s why you must prioritize images. Today we’re sharing five tactics that’ll help you attract traffic and also retain them.

Tactic 1: Add Alt tags 

While Google’s algorithm has grown smarter, it is not advanced enough to read images. That’s where the Alt Tag comes in. It plays a key role in optimizing your pictures, as the tag describes them to the search engine. The Alt Tag aids differently abled site visitors to understand what the image stands for. Ensure that the Alt tag a short description of the image consisting of relevant keywords. Avoid keyword stuffing and serial numbers, and you’re good to go.

This how the source code should look like:

<img src=”file location” alt=”keyword in a short description”/>

Tactic 2: Give a descriptive name

Experts suggest giving an appropriate name for your image to increase its searchability. The image file’s name helps search engines know more about the image’s content. Avoid giving generic names such as ‘Image 01’. A name like ‘TV assembly unit’ would make more sense to the reader and search engine.

Get in the shoes of your target audience and think of what names they would search to land on your image. Use Google Analytics to identify what search words led the visitors to your website. Use these words to give more accurate image names. You can use a hyphen, underscore, and other similar special symbols if your image name has multiple words. Limit the number of words to a maximum of five for better readability. When you ease visitors’ search experience, Google would direct more and more visitors to your website, thus, boosting your credibility.

Tactic 3: Optimize images

Use the latest web design tactics and include high-definition images on your website. Bold pictures enhance the adjacent text and elevate the overall experience of a visitor. That said, keep the file size smaller by compressing the images. Also, don’t overdo and add too many pictures on a webpage. Mind the visual aesthetics and ensure every single content on your website is viewer-centric.

Tactic 4: Practice link building

Maximize the reach of images and boost website traffic by link building through images. It’s an open secret that images are way more snackable than rows of text, making the users more inclined towards them. Stay active on image-sharing sites such as Pinterest, Flickr, and others by uploading high-quality, engaging pictures. It is an efficient and easy way to drive traffic organically. As a B2B marketer, you can also create exciting infographics for your audience to consume.

 Once you’ve exhausted image optimization methods, scrutinize your efforts on Google Analytics. Create a list of what kind of images attract the most traffic and how often. The results can help you in generating better output. There’s a shortcut too! You can benefit from the in-house web design, graphic design, and web development expertise at Resolute B2B. If you’ve specific questions or want to customize your approach, contact us today.

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