6 unbelievable long-term benefits of investing in SEO

6 unbelievable long-term benefits of investing in SEO

Every year, you hear someone mention, “Is SEO still relevant?” And, like every year, the answer is still the same—yes, it absolutely is. As SEO grows and evolves, different aspects demand your attention, but on the whole, there’s no way to succeed in your digital marketing efforts if you neglect SEO.

In fact, regardless of the industry you operate in, the type of product or service you specialize in, or the nature of the audience you serve, having a strong SEO approach is an important and ongoing process. Moreover, SEO is a long game. So while you won’t see results overnight, it’ll surely offer incredible results in the long term. What are they? Keep reading to find out.

Maintain a steady flow of organic traffic
When you prioritize SEO on your website, and all the content housed within, you can improve the quality and quantity of traffic. Look at this number: the first five organic results account for almost 70% of clicks. Only 1.11% of searchers go as far as the second page. If you can feature in the top positions, your website traffic will automatically increase. Not just that, it’ll also bring high-quality traffic, ergo whose chance of conversion is higher. Is that not the goal of every business?

Bring in new customers
This is an extension of higher web traffic. When you make your business website SEO-friendly, it boosts discoverability, as you prominently feature on SERPs. The key here, is to use SEO tools to your advantage, and create content that expertly matches with your audience’s requirements.

In a nutshell, when you execute all forms of content through the SEO lens, you can make a good first impression, cultivate a need, and guide prospects to a purchase point. On the whole, you can constantly augment and grow your audience set, and in due course, achieve a better conversion rate too.

Improve customer experience
SEO and customer experience are co-dependent. One feeds the other. When your goal is exceptional SEO performance, you’ll also be able to improve customer experience by leaps and bounds. Here’s how: One of the things you’re sure to do is optimize your website to address your target audience’s pain points, wants, and whims. And, search engines like Google have been measuring content against this metric for a while now. It is one of the components that influences ranking.

On the other hand, when you take dedicated measures to improve responsiveness, page speed, visual aesthetic, page security and mobile-friendliness, you’ll be able to increase time spent on your website and repeat visits, which in turn will improve your SEO performance.

Build credibility and authority
Focusing on SEO has other fringe benefits too. Years of using the internet to find answers to questions big and small have taught us this: the first few results that show up on a search engine results page are the most credible. How often do you even scroll to the second page?

So, when you’re able to secure pole position for your software organization, for instance, it automatically boosts your credibility amongst those who search for software solutions on search engines and find your name up top. Even if they have never heard of you before, they are likely to walk away with a positive image of your business, without you even trying. What could be better?

Enjoy excellent ROI
As you now know, implementing an SEO strategy can help with discoverability, widening your audience set, improving conversions, keeping your customers happy, etc. The best part is that it’s extremely cost-effective too. You can get all these benefits, and many more, without incurring a significant cost. In fact, it is certainly one of those tools where the returns outweigh the costs you incur, many times over.

Keep your website up to date
SEO best-practices are dynamic, as search engine algorithms change regularly. What may be acceptable today may not fetch amazing results tomorrow. So, once you achieve a good rank, to hold on to your rank, you will need to be aware of these changes and adapt your approach accordingly.

A benefit of this is that you’ll be able to update your content and website periodically, which may otherwise take a backseat. Moreover, when you track SEO updates, you will develop a deeper understanding of changing market needs and customer requirements, which will not only strengthen your stronghold in the industry that you operate in, but also reinforce your other SEO efforts.

So, if you have been neglecting search engine optimization for a while, give it your time and attention now. Get in touch with Resolute B2B today and benefit from a team that is equipped with the tools and knowledge needed  to drive success for your business through an impeccable SEO strategy. From identifying what your business needs to putting it into action, we take on the mantle of helping you improve your SEO performance manifold.

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