Impact of web design and development on various aspects of digital marketing

Impact of web design and development on various aspects of digital marketing

With the advancement of technology, a company’s website has become the initial and most pivotal touchpoint for prospective customers. In fact, a study shows that 73% of consumers trust the information on a business’ website in comparison to information from other sources. Another survey revealed that 42% of consumers leave a website because of poor functionality, while 50% of surveyed buyers expect companies to prioritize web design. In other words, to effectively showcase that you are the best at what you do and make a compelling case for your business, you must invest in quality website design and development.

Marketers also prioritize these two aspects as they affect digital marketing on the whole, in various ways. To understand just how widespread the impact of these two elements is, keep reading.

5 impacts of web design and development on digital marketing
Reinforce branding

In this digital-first world, the first interaction a prospect has with you is through your website. Within seconds of visiting it, prospects form an impression about your business. So, good web design can lay the foundation for branding. It can subtly communicate your professionalism, friendliness, and credibility. Moreover, it can also build trust and help you establish a unique visual identity—one that makes you stand out from your competitors. To cement this, ensure that your web design also translates into other collaterals, by way of the logos, fonts, content, and color schemes used.

Support PPC campaigns

In theory, PPC campaigns help improve CTR. However, there’s a catch. Upon clicking an ad the viewer is directed to your landing page or website. If the website doesn’t live up to the expectations set by the PPC ad, the campaign will not have the desired impact. Instead, it will most certainly result in a wastage of resources.

On the other hand, good web design and web development that facilitate an easy and intuitive navigation experience will draw in website visitors and encourage them to browse and explore. In this manner, thoughtful web design and development have the ability to augment the success of your PPC campaign.

Boost traffic and conversions

Good web design and development give rise to websites that are responsive and quick to load. This is necessary as audiences have limited time and dwindling attention spans. Eventually, this effort translates into better conversions. Here’s how: Nearly 70% of people are of the opinion that the page load speed directly affects their willingness to buy. What’s more, data shows that improving the page load time by 0.1 seconds can boost your conversion rate by 8%.

This same thought translates to mobile-friendly web design, as ~55% of global website traffic originated from mobile devices in the first quarter of 2021. In the absence of a mobile-friendly, highly-responsive website, you can expect shorter sessions, a higher bounce rate, and lower conversions. The key takeaway here is that good website design and development have a tremendous impact on the conversion rate.

SEO performance
Improve SEO performance

SEO hinges on a number of factors, from quality content that addresses search intent, to the back-link network, page speed, and even ease of navigation. In short, sound website layouts, functionality, and UX—components of web design and development—have a significant bearing on your SEO performance, in addition to elements like content and keyword research. In fact, sometimes certain website designs, while visually appealing, may hamper SEO. This is why only meticulous website design (that takes into account all aspects), and strong web development (that pays attention to meta descriptions, alt tags, etc.) help boost SEO.

Elevate content marketing

91% of B2B marketers utilize content as part of their digital marketing. Well-crafted, succinct content has the ability to attract the right audience, nurture them and drive purchase. However, no matter how good the content is, if it isn’t presented well, it will not be as impactful. Smart website design supplements and elevates content marketing, making content more accessible, understandable, engaging, and memorable. It can improve the value of the content and in turn increase time spent, lower bounce rate, and even boost conversions. 

Since web design and development play such a critical role, they are every bit worth the investment. What’s more, when you partner with experts like Resolute B2B, you can benefit from top-of-the-line web design and development services that invigorate your digital marketing efforts, and create an unforgettable impression on your audience. Contact us to get the ball rolling.

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