How can digital marketing total experience help your company succeed?

How can digital marketing total experience help your company succeed?

Traditional digital marketing placed customers at the centre of all its strategies. Within these a positive customer experience is the driving force. As markets evolve and technologies develop, so do expectations. Which is where total experience can be beneficial.

Analyst firm Gartner included total experience in its top strategic trends for 2021. Total experience combines the experience of employees, customers, and end users. It aims at improving the overall experience while driving digital transformation.

What is Total Experience?

Total experience (TX) is a strategy that creates an overall superlative experience by interlinking employee experience (EX), user experience (UX), customer experience (CX), and multi-experience (MX). In this strategy, a business improves the intersection of the named disciplines to transform the business outcome.

Let us dig in a bit deeper. So far, we know that an enhanced customer experience means that you have better ROI and brand perception. However, your company must also involve employees and users by providing them with improved conditions.

Say a frustrated employee is interacting with a warm lead. The chances of conversion might be considerably reduced since the employee is not happy with their roles and responsibilities. In this scenario, if you continue to aim for customer experience, you may never find a solution.

Multi-experience is expected to replace technology, literate people with people, & literate technology. Traditional marketing is being replaced by multi-sensory interfaces such as smart wearables and advanced computers. It creates an immersive atmosphere using human-machine interfaces, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality.

The total experience enhances the perception of your brand and improves the quality of services.

Importance of Total Experience in Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing saw EX, UX, and CX as separate entities and handled them accordingly. However, digital marketing is a fast-evolving discipline, and agencies need to combine these three to get an edge over their competitors. The need for the same grows, especially as we approach 2023. Anywhere, operation models with cloud technology, smarter IoTs, empowered edges, automation tools, and others are gaining prominence. TX allows companies to work seamlessly irrespective of disruptions, like the one brought by the COVID-induced pandemic.

With remote work, companies are hiring people from all over the world. The same goes for the customers to whom they are providing products or services. TX improves your company’s reputation. Hence, you can employ the best talent and attract customers globally.

How can Total Experience ensure success in a post-pandemic era?

Enterprises must use their facilities to identify where EX, UX, CX, and MX can be improved. By giving priority to improving TX, you can find gaps and provide relevant solutions. You can, for example, determine how employee experience affects user experience and use this knowledge to enhance user satisfaction. Here are a few things that you can do:

Eradicate departmental silos

In order to implement TX, your company must eliminate departmental silos and integrate them so they can function as a single unit. At the very basic level, you can use advanced technologies to bring all team members together and create a unified experience. The best bet is to invest in smart technologies to enable cross-department participation.

Prioritize employee experience

In a survey, 90% of consumers said that it is crucial how brands take care of their employees, especially in difficult times. Also, 49% of those surveyed said that whether companies take care of their employees is one of their top five purchase criteria.

As we approach 2023, it is crucial that you create a conducive work environment for your employees and show a genuine interest in their well-being.

Implement optimal channel communication

Human interaction, even if mostly virtual, is of prime importance. 82% of US customers and 74% of non-US customers said that they want more communication in the future. Irrespective of the technology, medium, or platform, those surveyed said that they want the interactions to be seamless and instant.

The need for uninterrupted communication also applies to employees who are spread across numerous geographical locations. The companies that will be able to achieve these are more likely to achieve their goals.

Resolute B2B Digital Marketing

The total experience is all about identifying where EX, UX, CX, and MX intersect. Once identified, you can employ measures to improve them. The intersections are usually accident-prone, and once you can prevent one from happening, you are good to go. Which is why at Resolute B2B we ensure each of these intersections are identified and improved so our client’s expectations are fully met and exceeded. Visit our website to know how we work!

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