Why you should pay attention to website analytics

Why you should pay attention to website analytics

Web analytics is a powerful tool for any organization, if wielded smartly. It helps you track, measure, and analyze user behavior across your web pages. You can then use the data to evaluate your site’s or a particular marketing campaign’s performance. Based on the results, you will know what is working and what is not, and can make informed decisions. If you’re only getting started with website analytics, here are some common metrics you should track.

website analytics
  • Unique visitors count
  • Total number of visitors
  • Source through which visitors found you (social media, organic search, or paid ads)
  • What country a visitor is from
  • What browser/platform the visitor is using
  • Time spent on each page
  • Number of pages opened
  • Landing page frequency
  • Exit page frequency
  • Bounce rate
  • Campaign with most visitors
  • Campaign with most searches
  • Keywords success rate
Benefits of website analytics
Benefits of website analytics
Understand your audience better

The data you glean by tracking the metrics mentioned above will help you understand your audience better. For instance, you can know from which geographical location you have the most visitors, their gender, age, as well as the kind of device they’re using. You can use these cues to refine communication, improve UI/UX and do much more to cater to your audience’s precise requirements, all in a bid to steer a purchase or purchase inquiry, at the very least.

Align content with user intent

Web analytics lets you know how a visitor spends time on your website. It will break down the complexities of website traffic and give you easily understandable, actionable data to base decisions on.

For example, assume that you have added case studies to your website. But, if you find out through analytical data that no one is actually clicking on them, you can assess why this could be happening and take remedial action. In this scenario, probably designing case studies smartly with visuals, or creating a video, may help solve your problem. Optionally, you could check if the language is too technical or jargon-heavy, and this is what is causing your visitors to ignore this section.

Reduce bounce rate
Reduce bounce rate, boost conversions
Bounce rate shows the number of times a visitor has visited your website, consumed only a single webpage, and left without any interaction. Here interaction could be clicking on a button, entering information in a form, etc. A low bounce rate is good. It means that people are spending ample time on your website and visiting multiple pages. You can view it as an indicator that the content that you have is resonating with them. They’re interested enough to keep consuming this content over multiple pages. In turn, it also means that you can expect higher conversions.

On the other hand, a high bounce rate is a red flag! It means that there is a clear disconnect between your website and what your audience is expecting. So, focus on improving the content, as well as the UI/UX experience. For instance, having too many pop-ups or poor readability will simply cause people to leave. Attention spans are at an all-time low, so address these factors at the earliest and optimize conversions and revenue through your web presence.

Improve SEO performance
Once you understand your audience and also the bounce rate, you can create more aligned, tailored communication. This not only serves your audience, but also improves your SEO performance. For starters, high-relevance content will better your visibility on SERPS. How so? Consider this: Once you know which locations people are visiting your website from, you can add more location-specific keywords and content. This is just one of the many things you can do. Moreover, analytics will reveal backlinks to your website and the amount of traffic this is generating. You can then use this data smartly to build better link networks.

While web analytics may seem daunting, studying it is indispensable whether you want to improve traffic or revenue. Fortunately, with an understanding of these basics, you’re all ready to get started and measure not just the efficacy of your website, but also campaigns and social media efforts. If you need an expert to step in and take this piece of the puzzle off your plate, we’re happy to help! Contact us to know how.

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