5 common email marketing mistakes you must avoid for best results!

5 common email marketing mistakes

Did you know that over 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagements in the last twelve months? Just based on these statistics, we can say that email marketing will only expand further in the future. This means it is about time we stop making the same old email marketing mistakes, right?

When email marketing is executed with the right strategies, it has a huge potential for lead generation. We at Resolute B2B, employ such email marketing strategy along with a perfect team to generate email leads with a success rate of 90%. So, let’s take a look at what are such email marketing mistakes and how to avoid them in the future.

What are the five most common mistakes in email marketing?
Zero personalization

In emails, personalization is key. But many people generally stick to the same level of personalization, which is addressing the recipient by their name. Though this is good, it can be better. You can try to understand the industry demographics and extract the users’ pain points. By doing so, you are able to directly address their issues and improve your chances for a callback.

Bland subject-line

What’s the first thing that catches a user’s attention in their email? The subject! This is a make-or-break part of the email that cements their opinion about the email. Around 69% of emailers report emails as spam just based on their subject line. So, making this count is essential. Use strong, impactful, and understandable words without overwhelming the user to increase the chances of them opening your email.

Inconsistent content

The content, or in general terms, the words you use in your email, matter the most. As emails require a neat and clean look, you have to use short content that is also impactful. This is generally tricky because if you use overly complicated vocabulary or overly mundane words, the user might lose interest in your email. Read this blog post about 5 tips to improve your content to know more.

Improper CTA

The main reason for sending an email as part of your campaign is to promote your product or service. Once a user reads the email and is interested in your services, they will wonder what to do next. This split-second time gap can result in the prospect losing interest in your product/service. By simply placing a “click here” link, also commonly known as “call to action” link (CTA), you are able to direct them to what to do next and not lose the lead in the process.

Appears unprofessional

When it comes to any industry, especially the B2B industry, professionalism is pertinent to impress a client. Besides the email content, the format and graphics in your emails must also have a formal format. This means you should avoid using overwhelming graphics with too much color or improper email formats. Using light colors such as blue, yellow or your brand colors are beneficial.

Email marketing is hard work, but if done right, it has an incredibly high payoff. One of the best ways to get leads through this is to let the experts do all the work. You can hire marketing experts such as Resolute B2B to get the best results for your campaign. To learn more, please contact us via email at info@b2bresolute.com or visit our website!

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